A sea of khaki and a good ol’ boob light.
To say that I’m not a fan of tan walls would be an understatement. Add that to the tan shag carpet and everything kind of starts blurring together. I mean it’s not awful, it’s just the definition of plain jane. And don’t get me started on the light. I get these are super standard lights for homes, but it just looks like a boob to me, I can’t unsee it, it’s just weird.
Before learning I was pregnant this room was actually my office and then somehow always ended up being a catch-all for everything in the house that didn’t have a place, stacks of Amazon boxes, tools, discarded misplaced items from all over. Pretty much if you couldn’t find something, it was in the office.
The bonus of living in a 1913’s home, all the storage. This room alone had three closets and a window seat for storage plus it featured these awesome french doors and picture windows. All it need was a bit of a facelift and I admit it probably didn’t necessarily need as extensive of one as I put it through…. but I had a vision.

I can’t remember when I decided on the clementine theme. I think it was after seeing a super cute onesie with oranges on it (which I later bought). My wants for the nursery was to have a cute yet cohesive space for a little girl that wasn’t drowning in pink. I wanted to keep the colors light and make sure the orange hue didn’t become overpowering.
Originally I had planned to purchase this wallpaper with the clementine pattern on it and have the hubby put up some wainscotting to break it up so it wouldn’t be too overwhelming. But after pricing it out to find that it was going to cost me over $300 just to do the top half of the one wall my “I can do that” reflex kicked in and I started sketching out stencils. I ran to Lowes and picked out my colors and off I went. At this point, it had to have been at least 3 years since I touched a paintbrush but thankfully it all worked out in the end and I love my clementine pattern more than the ones on the wallpaper. DIY for the win.

This house is french door central, which I just love. What I didn’t love were the colors the previous residents opted to paint the doors. Each set in the house was a different mixture of reds and yellows with some blue and other random colors scattered in splotches all over the door. It just was a bit much for me. So when I scored a stunning powder blue chalk finish hutch, which now lives in our entryway, off the Facebook marketplace, and decided to paint all the doors to match. It is so much less hectic feeling now. The doors to Quincy’s Nursery are this same soft blue. Which surprising accents the green we went with so nicely. I love when unplanned things end up going together. Plus then I found this cute little sign which the hubby insisted be posted right above the Nursery door. It’s honestly a super cute touch that I did not plan for.
‘All Things Grow with Love’ Sign TARGET

This crib was one of my must-haves. I spent hours researching cribs and mattresses that were deemed “safe” and what kind of safety testing they were put through and what materials were good and which weren’t. To say I was obsessing would be an understatement. I guess had read one to many blog posts about SIDS and was beyond terrified. I ended up picking this super simple convertible crib. I liked the white with the natural wood tones which I accented throughout the room but I loved that it was Greenguard Gold Certified. The hubby, not so much. He originally hated the crib and didn’t understand my obsession with the Greenguard Gold Certification. He instead picked out this absolutely stunning ornate crib but I put my foot down and kinda went a bit crazy. So much so I insisted we even purchase one of those breathable mattresses, which cost a pretty penny as well. And I didn’t stop there either, I then moved my focus to the world of smart baby monitors and after only reading about a million articles decide the Miku was right for us. I love that the Miku monitors your child’s breathing and heart rate without your baby needing to wear a special sock or onesies for it to work.
Looking back on it now, I realize I was obsessing just the slightest bit, but I wanted to make sure that Quincy’s sleep area was as safe as I possibly could make it. Do you have to buy these products to ensure SIDS won’t happen to your child, Absolutely not. Was I fear purchasing? Oh, you bet ya. It’s still not 100% known what causes SIDS and there’s no guarantee that any of these things will prevent it. But I do feel like I have a little more peace of mind because I went this route.

We got the super cute quilt as a baby shower gift. One of our friends had it custom made to match with the nursery theme. The same with the mobile. I just love more vintage-looking handmade things so once I couldn’t find a mobile that was a good fit I asked a crafty friend if she was up for the task. She hit the ground running with the project and crocheted me so many adorable little oranges. I not only have enough for the mobile but I also have loose ones scattered throughout the room and they make perfect toys. Plus, they are pretty much the cutest things ever.
Babyletto Lolly 3-in-1 Convertible Crib AMAZON, Miku Smart Baby Monitor BUY BUY BABY, Newton Baby Breathable Crib Mattress NEWTON BABY, Clementine Crib Sheet CLEMENTIME KIDS, Nursery Name Sign ETSY, Hannah The Bunny CUDDLE + KIND, Seagrass Basket AMAZON

Wooden Baby Gym AMAZON, Sheepskin Wool Rug AMAZON, Area Rug AMAZON,

The middle picture window isn’t operational, so I thought it would be the perfect place for a bit more decorative storage. The hubby made these shelves from some beautiful poplar wood he got at the local hardware store and had them up and ready to showcase in no time. As for the curtains, they’re drop clothes. I bought a bunch in bulk from Harbor Freight and my mom helped me cut them to size. We did the whole house. I love that they have a somewhat linen look but were pretty much dirt cheap. We didn’t even sew them, instead, I picked up some curtain rings that had little clips on them.
Orange Branch Decor AMAZON, Personalized Name Puzzle ETSY, Amazon Echo Dot AMAZON, Wooden Toy Camera AMAZON, Babybook ARTIFACT UPRISING, Curtain Rings AMAZON, Curtains HARBOR FREIGHT

I spent a lot of time aimlessly scrolling through pages of the Facebook marketplace. One day this chair pops up and I still can’t believe what a great deal I got on it. It was in amazing condition and fit in with my color scheme perfectly. The slipcover even comes off and is machine washable. I got it for $150 and it turns out it’s a Pottery Barn Glider which goes for around $900 new. It’s honestly the most comfortable chair and one of my favorite pieces of furniture we own.
Pottery Barn Kids Comfort Slipcovered Swivel Glider & Ottoman PB KIDS, Utility Cart AMAZON, Diaper Caddy AMAZON, Clementine Swaddle CLEMENTIME KIDS,

I just love this wood beaded light and how it brings everything together. I even found some Edison smart lightbulbs for it that hooked up to our Alexa. They are dimmable so I can have the lights down super low and don’t need a secondary lamp as well as have an adjustable white balance. Meaning I can change the hue on them from warm to cool, which is HUGE for me. Being a photographer I knew I was going to be taking a lot of photos in this room and I hate having to deal with the weird colors some light bulbs throw off. With these that won’t be an issue at all, and I can adjust it for my ideal photo-taking lighting for all those adorable baby photos I’m sure to be taking.
I asked my mom to make the cushion for the window seat so it would be a bit more functional. We got some super dense foam and it’s now a super comfy lounge spot. I can’t wait to curl up with Quincy there and read her stories. As for the white ball hanging in the window seat… it’s a super cool moon night light that my brother got us for the nursery. I completely spaced turning it on for the photos and am super bummed I did. It has its very own remote and a bunch of different colors to choose from as well as a dimmer.
Wood Beaded Chandelier AMAZON, Dimmable Smart Edison Blubs AMAZON, Canvas Banners AMAZON, Linen Pillow Covers AMAZON,

For our baby shower, we did the book instead of cards thing, which I highly recommend. It jump-started Quincy’s library and each one is signed so she will always know who gave it to her. The book trend is one of my favorites that I’ve seen recently. I’m not sure who originally came up with it but major kudos to them.
The dresser was another Facebook marketplace find. It however was not in the best shape. It was quite awful when we got it. The lady who sold it to us had listed it as “newly refinished” and in the photos, it looked great. I ask my dad to pick it up for me on his way home from the valley one day so I didn’t see it in person until it arrived at my house. What I saw as they unloaded it lead me to think I had made a big mistake. The dresser wasn’t refinished in the least bit. Instead, she has just attacked the whole thing with a can of white spray paint. There were drips galore and she had even spray painted the hardware. It was a hot mess, to say the least. Thankfully my dad was able to repaint it for me and my amazing husband made this beautiful top out of poplar wood to match the window shelves and the crib. Add some new drawer pulls and some vintage looking casters and we were back in businesses. Thank goodness.
Apothecary Jars AMAZON, 16oz Glass Foaming Soap Dispenser AMAZON, 8oz Lotion Bottle AMAZON, Wood Floating Shelves AMAZON, 36″ Round Mirror AMAZON, Headband Display Stand AMAZON, Dresser Caster AMAZON, Dresser Drawer Pulls AMAZON, Oranges Ruffle Zipper Footie SPEARMINT LOVE, Changing Basket DESIGN DUA, Ubbi Steel Diaper Pail TARGET

Overall I couldn’t be happier with the finished product, even though for a while there it felt like we would never be done. Painting the walls a light gray brighten up the room, yet still allowed the white trim and plank ceiling to pop. It’s so hard to pinpoint my favorite part of the space. It’s all such a huge upgrade to what it was before. I want to thank my husband for supporting me on my crazy nesting journey and for all the hard work he put in on the room after he would get home from work. He’s truly amazing and the best part is now that it’s all done he loves the room. He has been the driving force behind me getting this blog post out. Being 40 weeks pregnant it’s kinda hard to find the motivation to get anything done. Now we are just waiting for Little Miss Quincy Mae to make her debut.
#clementinenursery #clementine #oranges #orangeblossom #orangeblossomnursery #babynursery #quincymaesnursery #beforandafter #roomremodel #girlnusery #greenandgray #genderneutral #genderneutralnursery #nursery #babynursery #clementinekids #acornphotography #nurserydecor #potterybarn #miku #cuddleandkind #hanna #diynursery #babyletto #newtonbaby #clementine